
I made a decision to make plane bookings
To fly out of the country for awhile
It would be two months that I'd be gone
Just so I could be with you, to see your smile

I counted down the days as each week passed
I walked through the scenes in my mind
I remembered the last time I saw you, touched you
And kept looking at the calendar one day at a time

The day got closer, just three weeks to go
I had told everyone that needed to know
I would be flying to America for the summer break
Going to winter, just for our sake

But alas, it was not be, for you told me
It was with your father you needed to be
He took ill and has got much worse
His life in the balance, my man is so hurt

I canceled my bookings and stayed in NZ
Watched the clock on the day I was to leave
Felt disappointed, tearful and I couldn't sleep
I wanted to be with you, cause your need was so deep

So I think of you with your sick dad
And lifting you up in prayer
Hoping and believing our prayers will be answered
Your dad will believe and you will not be scared

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©
4 December 2000


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