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Pastry Dishes and Pizza Crusts

Flaky Puff Pastry

1 cup Plain four (Gold brand is good)
1 tsp malt vinegar or lemon juice
6 oz butter
Cold water
*Best results - use cold butter and cold liquid straight from the refrigerator

Put flour into bowl, cut the butter into the flour, add the vinegar
or lemon juice and enough cold water to mix.
The mixture should not be too wet.
Turn out onto floured surface, with rolling-pin, roll the mixture
out flat, double over and over into quarters.
Roll out flat again - this mixes the butter into the pastry.
Do this rolling 3 times. Place back into the refridgerator until
you need it.

The secret to successful pastry making is to have the butter as
cold as possible - even out of the freezer works OK.
and the water as cold as possible. You can also double the mixture,
you can also freeze to use another day.

Amanda's Quiche

6 eggs
4-6 rashers bacon
(ham works well too if you have no bacon)
1 cup grated cheese
1 onion
1 Tomato (optional)
1 medium canned or fresh pineapple (optional)


Break the eggs into a bowl break the yolks and mix with a folk,
add previously cubed bacon, diced onions,
pineapple (drained) and lastly add the grated cheese mix altogether.
Turn out into a ready prepared pie dish with the pastry lined on the bottom.
Bake approx 30 minutes in hot oven 400o until cooked and lightly golden
* enough for 2 - 3 people

Quiche is just as successful without the pastry on the bottom,
just turn the mixture into greased pie dish and cook the same method

New Zealands all time favourite for picnics and finger food lunches

Bacon and Egg Pie

Line your pie dish with pastry and have enough pastry for the top
line bacon strips on the bottom of the pie or flan dish

6 - 8 eggs
6 - 8 Bacon rashers


Just lightly break the yolks over the bacon. Place the pastry top on
and crimp the around the sides to hold in place, make a couple of holes
in the top of the pastry to let out the steam as it cooks.
Bake for approx 40 minutes in hot oven 400o until cooked and lightly
golden. Eaten hot or cold -

Footnote Variations
Eggs can be left unbroken and whole
I have seen where cooks beat the eggs and added mixed vegetables.
To me this is the not the traditional 'Kiwi' bacon and egg pie.
However, it is still an alternative method you can also try.

Bacon and Egg Open Pie (no pastry)
Using a rolling pin, roll out bread until flat.
Arrange bread over base and sides of pie or flan dish, overlapping so
base is completely covered. Place dish on an oven tray.
Bake for 10 minutes or until bread is lightly toasted.
Line bacon strips on the bottom of the pan

6 - 8 eggs
6 - 8 Bacon rashers


Line base with bacon and Just lightly break the yolks over the bacon
Bake for approx 40 minutes in hot oven 400o until cooked and lightly
golden. Eaten hot or cold -

Non Yeast Pizza Base

1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp B Powder
1 tsp Onion powder
1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Chicken stock powder


Cut in 2 oz butter, add 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup milk mixed
*Best results - use cold butter and cold liquid straight from the refrigerator
Mix slowly with knife. Roll out. Bake approx 400o 20minutes.

Yeast - Pizza Base

1 tablespoon yeast (one sachet)
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 cups plain flour
1 cup tepid water
1 tablespoon oil


Put yeast, sugar and water in a bowl. Set aside for 15 minutes or until
frothy. Put flour into another bowl, add oil and yeast mixture, mix well.
Turn dough out onto lightly floured board and knead until smooth and elastic.
Lightly oil bowl. Return dough to bowl. Cover with a cloth and set in warm
place until double in size. Punch dough down in the center then lightly
kneed again. Press into lightly oiled pizza pan.
Add your toppings and cook. Serves 6.

Fried Bread
(Maori and Polynesian recipe I adapted as I did not have the correct
quantities. One friend used yeast which I prefer while another friend uses
Baking powder)
Similar to Funnel Cakes in the States

2 cups plain flour (I use Gold)
1 tblsp or 1 sachet dried yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 - 1 cup Tepid water


In a bowl add the yeast to the flour, add sugar
pour enough tepid water that it is tacky consistency mixing with a knife
cover with teatowel and leave to rise
Pour out onto floured area and knead, sprinkling flour over that the mix
does not stick to your hands. Put back into washed bowl and let rise again
Heat oil in deep frying pan or wok (skillet) that mixture will float as it cooks
Pour out onto floured area and roll out about 1/2 inch thickness.
Cut into shapes or large squares.
Place 3 or 4 squares into the hot oil until it starts to puff up, carefully splash
oil on the top and turn over when bottom is golden brown.
Cook the other side until golden brown, drain on paper towel
I like mine cut in the middle with buttered and jam.
Try sprinkled with icing sugar (powered sugar)

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